Client Spotlight: Amigos de las Americas

Here at Capstone Charity Resources, our introduction to Amigos de las Americas was as their compliance partner for charitable solicitation registration in the states where that is required.  They are an amazing organization doing great things!

Amigos de las Americas (AMIGOS) is an international nonprofit organization, with headquarters in Houston, TX. AMIGOS provides volunteers, ages 13 to 22, the safest, most authentic service and immersion experiences in Latin America. Depending on the program, participants spend from two weeks to nine months in Latin America. Participants live with a host family, allowing them the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the culture and language. Various programs allow participants to gain essential education and life experience, leadership training, and an entirely new network of friends by living and working in amazing communities throughout Central and South America.

Founded in 1965, AMIGOS has established a strong network of partners across Latin America making it possible to provide authentic community engagement and cultural immersion for program participants. In their 50-year history, more than 28,000 alumni have completed their programs, resulting in greater social awareness, stronger leadership skills, and increased passion to be agents of social change.

Volunteers have used their experience with AMIGOS to enter top State and Ivy League schools, and CEOs, PhDs, lawyers, and other professionals have testified that AMIGOS paved the way for their future. AMIGOS is a truly immersive cross-cultural experience.

But the effects of participating in the programs doesn’t end when the program is over.

AMIGOS alumni are passionate and committed global citizens shaping the future of communities around the world. The alumni community hails from all US states and other countries around the world. Alumni are global leaders seeking positive change in their home communities and around the world.

We are proud to have AMIGOS as a nonprofit registration client to support their fundraising compliance.

To learn more about AMIGOS, click here or check them out on Facebook.

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